What is the LoRa OCCAM API?
The LoRa OCCAM API provides a set of tools to help you customize and develop your LoRa mPCIe Smart Gateway card. It will show how to navigate the communication protocols using Python to send and receive data packages from the module to the LoRa mPCIe card.
The goal of this package is to provide all the tools needed for you to set up and customize your LoRa mPCIe Smart Gateway card for your own application.
Initial Set-up
You will need to install Python 3 prior to following this guide.
For reference, it will be helpful to follow the OCCAMSMART command reference guide for a complete list of SEND and RECEIVE commands.
Please refer to our Getting Started With The LoRa mPCIe Smart Gateway Card page for instructions on how to install the LoRaWAN Network Stack and set-up your LoRa device.
After making all the necessary downloads, launch the Python shell.
Visit our Github page and open the loraSamplePy3.py file to learn how to work with the LoRa OCCAM API and how to modify send and receive messages on your LoRa mPCIe card.
The LoRa OCCAM API follows the LoRa communication protocol to send and receive data packets between the card and module. These include, but are not limited to:
SEND Command Data Packets
- Transmit Frequency
- Transmit Start Time
- Modulation Bandwidth
- Data Rate
- Coding Rate
RECEIVE Command Data Packets
- Channel Frequency
- Status
- Time Stamp
- Data Rate
- Modulation
- Bandwidth
- Data Rate
- Coderate
These data packets can be modified based on application and sent to the LoRa card.
Additional Resources
For additional information about LoRa mPCIe Smart Gateway card, please visit the official OCCAMSMART LoRa page.
For any further questions or concerns, please visit our US or EU technical support sites.